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====== Quadrocopter/Multi-rotor flight controllers ====== ===== Mikrokopter ===== ==== Mikrokopter FC1.3 ==== | CPU: | ATMEGA644p @ 20MHz | | Gyro: | 3x Murata ENBC-03JA Piezo gyros | | Accelerometer: | 3-axis STM LIS3L02AS4 | | Barometric sensor: | MPX4115 (optional) | | Magnetometer: | None, may use additional board (MK3Mag) | | GPS: | None, may use additional boards (NaviControl + MKGPS) | | Additional sensors | Input voltage monitoring built-in | | ESC control type: | I2C, using Mikrokopter BC-CTRL 1.x | | Voltage control: | Linear LM7805 or Recom LDO | | Data storage/Log: | None | | Control input: | CPPM only, plus control input over SPI (slave for NaviCtrl) | | Flight modes: | Stabilised Level, Altitude Limit (Alt hold), Altitude Hold (Vario Alt hold) | | Note: | Discontinued, replaced by FC2.x | ==== Mikrokopter FC2.1 ==== | CPU: | ATMEGA1284P @ 20MHz | | Gyro: | 3x Analog Devices ADRXRS610 MEMS gyros | | Accelerometer: | 3-axis STM LIS344ALH | | Barometric sensor: | MPX4115A | | Magnetometer: | None, may use additional board (MK3Mag) | | GPS: | None, may use additional boards (NaviControl + MKGPS) | | Additional sensors | Input voltage monitoring built-in | | ESC control type: | I2C, using Mikrokopter BC-CTRL 1.x | | Voltage control: | Recom uA7805 LDO (optional 2x uA7805, separate LDO for servos) | | Control input: | CPPM, Skeptrum Sattelite, Jeti, HoTT, S.Bus, plus control input over SPI (slave for NaviCtrl) | | Data storage/Log: | None | | Flight modes: | Stabilised Level, Altitude Limit (Alt hold), Altitude Hold (Vario Alt hold) | A direct successor to MK FC1.x. Moves from piezo gyros to MEMS gyros, removing sensor drift and makes the gyro part less sensitive to vibrations. The Recom LDO provide cleaner more stable VCC. All connetion pads are larger and more conveniently placed. Adds Flash and RAM capacity using the MEGA1284P, allowing for better filtering of sensors in realtime. ==== Mikrokopter FC2.2 (FC2.1 plus ACC-Upgrade) ==== | CPU: | ATMEGA1284P @ 20MHz | | Gyro: | 3x Analog Devices ADRXRS610 MEMS gyros | | Accelerometer: | 3-axis MEMSIC R9500M | | Barometric sensor: | MPX4115A | | Magnetometer: | None, may use additional board (MK3Mag) | | GPS: | None, may use additional boards (NaviControl + MKGPS) | | Additional sensors | Input voltage monitoring built-in | | ESC control type: | I2C, using Mikrokopter BC-CTRL 1.x | | Voltage control: | Recom uA7805 LDO (optional 2x uA7805, separate LDO for servos) | | Control input: | CPPM, Skeptrum Sattelite, Jeti, HoTT, S.Bus, plus control input over SPI (slave for NaviCtrl) | | Data storage/Log: | None | | Flight modes: | Stabilised Level, Altitude Limit (Alt hold), Altitude Hold (Vario Alt hold) | | Note: | FC2.2 is when writing not a board, but an upgrade of the FC2.1 with a new accelerometer. | The change of accelerometer results in a more direct and precise altitude control. The new accelerometer (ACC) sensor operates with a thermal principle, instead of Micromechanics. Thus, the sensor is almost immune against the typical vibrations in the copter. In the ACC sensor FC2.1 the offset of the Z value of the acceleration sensor drifts under vibrations. This only affects the vertical z-value. The two axes for nick and roll work great with the original sensor even with vibration. ==== Mikrokopter FC2.1 + NaviCtrl 2.0 + MKGPS 2.1 ==== | CPU: | ATMEGA1284P @ 20MHz for AHRS and direct flight, STR911FAM44X6 (@96MHz?) ARM9 for all Navigation related tasks | | Gyro: | 3x Analog Devices ADRXRS610 MEMS gyros | | Accelerometer: | 3-axis MEMSIC R9500M | | Barometric sensor: | MPX4115A | | Magnetometer: | HMC5843 or LSM303 | | GPS: | u-blox LEA6S with data retention battery, 5Hz update rate | | Additional sensors | Input voltage monitoring built-in | | ESC control type: | I2C, using Mikrokopter BC-CTRL 1.x | | Voltage control: | Recom uA7805 LDO (optional 2x uA7805, separate LDO for servos) | | Control input: | CPPM, Skeptrum Sattelite, Jeti, HoTT, S.Bus, plus control input over SPI (slave for NaviCtrl) | | Data storage/Log: | MicroSD card slot | | Flight modes: | Stabilised Level, Altitude Limit, Altitude Hold, Position Hold, Return to Launch, Carefree, Waypoint flight, POI Waypoint flight, FollowMe | The precision and complexity of the AHRS operations on the Mikrokopter FlightCtrl boards means there is not much CPU time left on the FC CPU to do much other than attitude and system control. The developers of the Mikrokopter platform realised this and decided to develop an additional board to add GPS-related functions to the platform, giving them the option of adding a powerful ARM CPU to handle those tasks, while leaving the FC CPU free to do AHRS/stabilization. The NaviCtrl adds full navigation capability to the Mikrokopter platform, and has been leading innovation in features, being first to add CareFree mode (a mode where operator controls are free from the copter orientation), POI navigation (where the copter will always face a designated point of interrest) and FollowMe (a mode where an external GPS signal is used as both POI and target waypoint). ===== ArduPilotMega ===== ==== APM === | CPU: | ATMega1280 @ 16MHz (later upgraded to '2560)| | Gyro: | 2x Invensense XY-axis gyros IDG500, 1x Invensense Z-axis gyro ISZ500SMD | | Accelerometer: | 3-axis Analog Devices ADX330 | | Barometric sensor: | Bosch BMP085 Pressure and temperature sensor | | Magnetometer: | None, may use external compass | | GPS: | None, may use external compass | | Additional sensors | Analog Devices ADS7844 AD Converter. Optional: Voltage, Current, Sonar | | ESC control type: | 490Hz PWM | | Voltage control: | No 5V regulator, relies on external voltage regulator. 3V3 regulators on main and IMU boards | | Control input: | Standard PWM, CPPM | | Data storage/Log: | 16Mbit datalogging EEPROM/Flash (dep. on revision) | | Flight modes: | Gyro rate control, Stabilised Level, Altitude Hold. With GPS/compass, Position Hold (Loiter), Return to Launch, Waypoint flight | | Note: | Discontinued, replaced by APM2 generation | The first generation APM was a two-board, ArduinoMega based design, with a main APM board containing only CPU, PWM/PPM input and supporting circuits, and a separate "IMU Shield" containing all sensors. The APM was an upgrade of the ArduCopter platform, moving from an ATMega328 based standard Arduino, to ATMega1280+ type microcontrollers on dedicated board layouts for both CPU and IMU boards. ==== APM2.0 === | CPU: | ATMega2560 @ 16MHz | | Gyro: | MPU-6000 MEMS| | Accelerometer: | MPU-6000 | | Barometric sensor: | Measurement Specialities MS5611 | | Magnetometer: | Honeywell HMC5883L | | GPS: | Mediatek MT3329 10Hz | | Additional sensors | Optional: Voltage, Current, Sonar, Optical Flow | | ESC control type: | 490Hz PWM for ESC, 50Hz PWM for servos available | | Voltage control: | No 5V regulator, relies on external voltage regulator. | | Control input: | Standard PWM, CPPM | | Data storage/Log: | MicroSD card slot with 4Mbyte dataflash card | | Flight modes: | Gyro rate control, Stabilised Level, Altitude Hold, Position Hold (Loiter), Return to Launch, Waypoint flight, CareFree mode | The APM2 fuses the two-board design of the APM1 into a single-board design, and replaces most analog sensors with the MPU-6000 SPI+I2C enabled integrated MEMS chip from Invensense. Like the APM1, the controller is a multi-purpose AHRS+IMU system that can be used for fixed-wing, ground rover, boat and multi-rotor operations. With the addition of Sonar and Optical Flow sensors, very precise positional navigation can be achieved. The integrated GPS and compass sensors can be disabled to allow use of external (remote located) sensors. ==== APM2.5 === | CPU: | ATMega2560 @ 16MHz | | Gyro: | MPU-6000 MEMS| | Accelerometer: | MPU-6000 | | Barometric sensor: | Measurement Specialities MS5611-01BA03 | | Magnetometer: | Honeywell HMC5883L | | GPS: | Optional external GPS, Mediatek or u-Blox 10Hz | | Additional sensors | Optional: Voltage, Current, Sonar, Optical Flow | | ESC control type: | 490Hz PWM for ESC, 50Hz PWM for servos available | | Voltage control: | No 5V regulator, relies on external voltage regulator. | | Control input: | Standard PWM, CPPM | | Data storage/Log: | On-board 4Mbyte dataflash card | | Flight modes: | Gyro rate control, Stabilised Level, Altitude Hold, Position Hold (Loiter), Return to Launch, Waypoint flight, CareFree mode | With many users opting to use external GPS, or not using GPS at all, the APM2.5 was designed to simplify and bring down the cost of the APM2. There had also been problems with getting the MicroSD card slot to work with larger SD cards, as well as connectivity issues where the dataflash became unavalable during flight. By removing the GPS, and moving to a fixed on-board 4MByte dataflash, the need for a daughter-card was removed, and a tidy single-board design was possible. The APM2.5 also adds a separate Power port for use with a fused voltage/current sensor and voltage regulator as an optional addition. ==== APM2.6 === | CPU: | ATMega2560 @ 16MHz | | Gyro: | MPU-6000 MEMS| | Accelerometer: | MPU-6000 | | Barometric sensor: | Measurement Specialities MS5611-01BA03 | | Magnetometer: | None, required external for use w/GPS | | GPS: | Optional external GPS, Mediatek or u-Blox 10Hz | | Additional sensors | Optional: Voltage, Current, Sonar, Optical Flow | | ESC control type: | 490Hz PWM for ESC, 50Hz PWM for servos available | | Voltage control: | No 5V regulator, relies on external voltage regulator. | | Control input: | Standard PWM, CPPM | | Data storage/Log: | On-board 4Mbyte dataflash card | | Flight modes: | Gyro rate control, Stabilised Level, Altitude Hold, Position Hold (Loiter), Return to Launch, Waypoint flight, CareFree mode | The 2.6 revision simply skips the onboard compass sensor of the AMP2/2.5, and required the use of an external compass. It is designed for vehicles (especially multicopters and rovers) where the compass should be placed as far from power and motor sources as possible to avoid magnetic interference. ==== HKPilot 2.5 === | CPU: | ATMega2560 @ 16MHz | | Gyro: | MPU-6000 MEMS| | Accelerometer: | MPU-6000 | | Barometric sensor: | Measurement Specialities MS5611-01BA03 | | Magnetometer: | Honeywell HMC5883L | | GPS: | Optional external GPS, Mediatek or u-Blox 10Hz | | Additional sensors | Optional: Voltage, Current, Sonar, Optical Flow | | ESC control type: | 490Hz PWM for ESC, 50Hz PWM for servos available | | Voltage control: | No 5V regulator, relies on external voltage regulator. | | Control input: | Standard PWM, CPPM | | Data storage/Log: | On-board 4Mbyte dataflash card | | Flight modes: | Gyro rate control, Stabilised Level, Altitude Hold, Position Hold (Loiter), Return to Launch, Waypoint flight, CareFree mode | This board is a HobbyKing direct copy of the 3DRobotics APM2.5 board.