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mysql -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 109 Server version: 5.0.51a-24 (Debian) Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> create database modx2; mysql> grant all privileges on modx2 to 'modx_db'@'localhost' identified by 'omgLolcats'; mysql> quit wget unzip mv modx-2.0.0-alpha-6 /var/www/path/to/modx-2.0.0-alpha/ cd /var/www/path/to/modx-2.0.0-alpha/ mkdir setup/templates/_compiled chgrp -R www-data manager connectors core/packages core/cache core/export setup/templates/_compiled chmod -R g+w manager connectors core/packages core/cache core/export setup/templates/_compiled touch core/config/ chgrp www-data core/config/ chmod g+w core/config/ chgrp www-data . chmod g+w . browse to http://server/path/to/modx-2.0.0-alpha6 Enter setup information, clicketyclick on next-next-continue-(remove setup)-login.. One or more configuration details didn't check out OK: Configuration warning: The Unauthorized page defined in the site configuration settings is not published. What does this mean? This means that your Unauthorized page is inaccessible to the general public. Publish the page or make sure it is assigned to an existing document in your site tree in the Tools > Configuration menu. Please contact a systems administrator and warn them about this message! Configuration warning: Your site's Error page is not published or does not exist. What does this mean? This means that your Error page is inaccessible to the general public. Publish the page or make sure it is assigned to an existing document in your site tree in the Tools > Configuration menu. Please contact a systems administrator and warn them about this message! Configuration warning: Your site's Unauthorized page is not published or does not exist. What does this mean? This means that your Unauthorized page is not accessible to normal web surfers or does not exist. This can lead to a recursive looping condition and many errors in your site logs. Make sure there are no webuser groups assigned to the page. Please contact a systems administrator and warn them about this message! Configuration warning: Your site's Error page is not available. What does this mean? This means that your Error page is not accessible to normal web surfers or does not exist. This can lead to a recursive looping condition and many errors in your site logs. Make sure there are no webuser groups assigned to the page. Please contact a systems administrator and warn them about this message!